Recent Videos

Large-scale electronic structure calculations

Vikram Gavini
February 16, 2021

Numerical methods for nonlocal models: asymptotically compatible schemes and multiscale modeling

Xiaochaun Tian
February 16, 2021

Interatomic Potentials from First Principles

Christoph Ortner
February 15, 2021

Bias in the Representative Volume Element method: periodize the ensemble instead of its realizations

Felix Otto
February 15, 2021

Multi-scale modeling of materials revisited: Accelerated computing and machine learning

Kaushik Bhattacharya
February 15, 2021

Session V: The Path Forward
(planning for the next pandemic, vaccine business models, etc.)

Moderator: Andrew W. Lo
October 30, 2020

Session IV: Economic Impact
(financial impact, macro policy, etc.)

Moderator: Andrew W. Lo
October 30, 2020

Session I: Public Health
(epidemiology, public health policy, lessons learned, etc.)

Moderator: Rena Conti
October 29, 2020

Session II: Data Science I
(contact tracing, testing, statistical inference, etc.)

Moderator: Xiao-Li Meng
October 29, 2020