Driving the Justice Agenda Forward
Work Outcomes and Next Steps
Carrie Diaz Eaton, Jude Higdon, and Project Team Members
WRWC Nuevas Voces - advocacy tools for Nuevas Voces in Providence, RI to better advocate in their communities, first issues of environmental justice, but also broader social justice issues. Looking to develop a spatial data dashboard and supporting materials. Project Team: Atilio Barreda II. Carrie Diaz Eaton, Bekah Greenwald, María José Gutiérrez Paz, Joseph Hibdon, Jr., Jenny Mercado, Victor Piercey, and Sonja Petrović
QSIDE SToPA - Small Town Police Accountability toolkit, grounded by activists in Williamstown, MA. Looking to make meaningful inference from FOIA-requested policing data, provide an automated pipeline for such data, and build the foundation to port the toolkit to other small towns for their advocacy. Project Team: Clarissa Ache-Cabello, Ranthony Edmonds, Liliana Gordon, Sam Hansen, Jude Higdon, Kenan Ince, Claire Kelling, Drew Lewis, and Williams Nicholas Bork Rodriguez