This was part of Data Sciences for Mesoscale and Macroscale Materials Models

Descriptor coarse-graining and forecasting atomic simulations

Thomas Swinburne, CNRS

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Abstract: Atomic simulations of material microstructure require significant resources to generate, store and analyze. Here, atomic descriptor functions are proposed as a general latent space to compress atomic microstructure, ideal for use in large-scale simulations[1]. High dimensional linear-in-descriptor models can regress a broad range of properties, including character-dependent dislocation densities, stress states or radial distribution functions. A vector autoregressive model can generate trajectories over yield points, resample from new initial conditions and forecast trajectory futures. A forecast confidence, essential for practical application, is derived by propagating forecasts through the Mahalanobis outlier distance, providing a powerful tool to assess coarse-grained models. Application to nanoparticles and yielding of dislocation networks confirms low uncertainty forecasts are accurate and resampling allows for the propagation of smooth microstructure distributions. Yielding is associated with a collapse in the intrinsic dimension of the descriptor manifold, which will be discussed in relation to the yield surface.