Reduced-Order Modeling for Complex Engineering Problems Poster Session
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Presenter: Charles Stephen Beall (Stevens Institute of Technology) Collaborator(s): Kathrin Smetana Title: Construction and Certification of Local Reduced Order Models via Random Sampling
Presenter: Anjali Nair (University of Chicago) Collaborator(s): Guillaume Bal Title: High frequency waves in random media and the Gaussian conjecture
Presenter: Dilini B.V. Kolombage (University of Bonn) Collaborator(s): Barbara Verfürth Title: Randomely perturbed multiscale coefficients
Presenter: Felix Krumbiegel (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)) Collaborator(s): B. Kalyanaraman, R. Maier, S. Wang Title: Fully discrete higher-order numerical homogenization for the wave equation
Presenter: Filip Marttala (Uppsala University) Collaborator(s): Doghonay Arjmand Title: Solving Elliptic PDEs in Unbounded Domains
Presenter: Rathish Kumar B V (Indian Institute of Technology) Title: A quick tour of Physics-Informed machine learning for reduced-order modelling
Presenter: Maher Khrais (Universität Bonn) Collaborator(s): Maher Khrais, Barbara Verfürth Title: Localized Orthogonal Decomposition for Nonliner Nonmonotone PDEs
Presenter: Toufik Boubehziz (University of Grenoble Alpes) Title: A Dynamic Reduced Order Model for a liquid-core capsule in flow simulation
Presenter: Yueqi Wang (University of Hong Kong) Collaborator(s): Yalchin Efendiev and Guanglian Li Title: Numerical homogenization for time-harmonic Maxwell equations in heterogeneous media with large wavenumber
Presenter: Pierre Amenoagbadji (Columbia University) Collaborator(s): Sonia Fliss, Patrick Joly Title: Wave Propagation in Junctions of Periodic Half-spaces
Presenter: Jose Carlos Garay (Universität Augsburg) Collaborator(s): Hannah Mohr, Daniel Peterseim, Christoph Zimmer Title: Hierarchical Super-Localized Orthogonal Decomposition Method
Presenter: Martin Hermann (Universität Augsburg) Collaborator(s): Robert Altmann, Daniel Peterseim, Tatjana Stykel Title: Riemannian Optimization for Multicomponent Bose-Einstein Condensates
Presenter: Marissa Whitby (Stevens Institute of Technology) Collaborator(s): Kathrin Smetana, Tommaso Taddei, Zhiyu Yin Title: Probabilistic Error Analysis of a Randomized Proper Orthogonal Decomposition
Presenter: Michael Hott (University of Minnesota, Twin Cities) Collaborator(s): Alexander B. Watson, Mitchell Luskin Title: Atomistic energy density and phonons in 2D moiré materials
Presenter: Daniel Eckhardt (Karlsruhe Institute for Technology) Collaborator(s): Marlis Hochbruck, Barbara Verfürth Title: Numerical Homogenization for nonlinear damped wave equations
Presenter: Loïc Balazi (University of Augsburg) Collaborator(s): Grégoire Allaire (CMAP, Ecole polytechnique), Pascal Omnes (SGLS, CEA Saclay) Title: Multi-scale Finite Element Method (MsFEM) for incompressible flows
Presenter: Larissa Martins (Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica – LNCC) Collaborator(s): Gabriel R. Barrenechea, Weslley Pereira and Frédéric Valentin Title: An H(div, Ω)-conforming flux reconstruction for the MHM method
Presenter: Buzheng Shan (Texas A&M University) Collaborator(s): Yalchin Efendiev, Wing Tat Leung, Min Wang Title: Multicontinuum Splitting Schemes for Multiscale Flow Problems