Workshops at IMSI are typically interdisciplinary in character, and up to a week in length. They need not be within the scope of Institute themes. Workshops are generally scheduled a year in advance, but shorter timelines may be considered if circumstances warrant. Standalone workshops are most often scheduled during the winter (January-March) or summer (June-August), but may be scheduled during other times of year if time is available on our workshop calendar. Proposals for workshops should include the following elements:
- Title of the workshop
- Scientific description: A description of the topic for the workshop in terms accessible to a general audience of mathematical scientists. What are the goals for the workshop, and why is the topic timely?
- Brief description: A brief description of the workshop, suitable for the workshop web page.
- Organizing committee: List of the proposed organizers, with a primary contact identified. Please include contact information for all members of the organizing committee.
- Proposed speakers: A list of proposed speakers with affiliations (both institutions and, when relevant, departments), including any information available about willingness to participate. The list does not need to be complete at the time the proposal is considered.
- Proposed length: How long should the workshop be?
- Preferred timing: What preferences or constraints do the organizers have for scheduling the workshop? It is helpful if you can suggest some possible times compatible with IMSI’s current workshop calendar. We generally try to avoid running two different workshops contiguously.
- Other relevant events or proposals: Describe any recent or planned workshops or events with a similar scientific focus. Also describe any related events which have been proposed by the organizers elsewhere.
- Additional funding sources: Are there additional funding sources that might help support the workshop?
Workshop organizers are asked to work to attract a diverse group of participants, where diversity is measured across a number of dimensions, including gender, race, ethnicity, career stage, employment sector, and research area.
Workshop proposals can be sent to [email protected]. Proposals will be considered by the Directors and the Scientific Advisory Committee, and revisions may be requested. Unless there are compelling reasons, workshop proposals should be approved a year or more in advance. Once proposals are approved, the Director will set the budget. Registration for workshops is managed through the Institute.