Mathematics & Polling
Without polling and opinion surveys we would not have a democracy, so this episode we are diving into how surveys and polls are designed, conducted, and reported with David Dutwin from NORC and Nathaniel Rakich from 538!
Show Notes
We in the United States are deep in the middle of a major national election, and over half of the world’s population also have elections in 2024. This is why Carry the Two is going to focus on the intersection of mathematics and democracy for our new season.
In this, the sixth and final episode of our mathematics and democracy season, we dig into both how surveys and polls are conducted and how they are reported. For the former we are joined by David Dutwin Senior Vice President at NORC and Chief Scientist of Amerispeak and for the latter by Nathaniel Rakich Senior Editor and Senior Elections Analyst at FiveThirtyEight.
Find our transcript here: Google Doc or .txt file
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Music by Blue Dot Sessions
The Institute for Mathematical and Statistical Innovation (IMSI) is funded by NSF grant DMS-1929348