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Presenter: James Franke (University of Chicago) Title: Unsupervised classification of full-disk geostationary satellite images for tropical cyclone analysis | Presenter: Takuya Kurihana (University of Chicago) Title: Insight into cloud processes from unsupervised classification with a rotationally invariant autoencoder |
Presenter: Elena Orlova (University of Chicago) Collaborator(s): Haokun Liu, Raphael Rossellini, Rebecca Willett, Benjamin Cash Title: Enhancing Subseasonal Climate Forecasting with Climate Model Ensembles and Machine Learning | Presenter: Ivan Sudakow (The Open University) Title: Machine Learning-Based Emulators of Sea Ice Surface |
Presenter: Claire Valva (Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences) Collaborator(s): Edwin P Gerber Title: A data-driven analysis of the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation with Koopman modes | Presenter: Yinling Zhang (University of Wisconsin, Madison) Collaborator(s): Nan Chen Title: A Causality-Based Learning Approach for Underlying Dynamics of Complex Dynamical Systems |