Back to topRecent advances to experimental and modeling/simulation methods are providing high resolution data within soft matter systems that are of increasing complexity. There is an aim to tailor the design of soft matter materials, where the community is at a tipping point of innovation that mimics the tremendous growth of hard-materials design that has emerged over the last two decades. However, the intrinsic disorder and multiscale structural and dynamic characteristics of soft matter challenges mathematical descriptions and models that are needed for more robust predictive capability and a fundamental understanding of the underlying physics. This workshop will be to bring together mathematicians, computational and theoretical chemists and chemical engineers, and experimental scientists to identify critical topical areas that intersect mathematics and the physics and chemistry of soft matter. We seek to inspire mathematical development and to provide a platform for mathematicians and the domain scientists to share tools and methodologies that are mutually beneficial to these communities. These include the following mathematics areas: 1) graphs, topology, and geometry for the development of physically-motivated descriptors, 2) dimensionality reduction for identifying correlated motion and phenomena (including linear and non-linear methods) and 3) model reduction for creating simplified mathematical representations that support transfer of information across the atomistic/molecular scale to the macroscale.
Back to topWashington State University
University of Tennessee
University of Pennsylvania
Michigan State University
Back to topSchedule
Back to topSpeaker: Kelin Xia (Nanyang Technological University)
Speaker: Ahmet Uysal (Argonne National Laboratory)
Speaker: Daeyeon Lee (University of Pennsylvania)
Speaker: Bei Wang (University of Utah)
Speaker: Benjamin Doughty (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Speaker: Xiao-Ying Yu (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
Speaker: Mahantesh Halappanavar (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
Speaker: Sapna Sarupria (University of Minnesota)
Speaker: Michael Servis (Argonne National Laboratory)
Speaker: Clyde Daly (Haverford College)
Speaker: Julien Tierny (Sorbonne)
Speaker: Mridul Seth (NetworkX)
Speaker: Kostia Lyman (Washington State University and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
Speaker: Dan Pope (Washington State University)
Speaker: Christopher Oballe (University of Notre Dame)
Speaker: Benjamin Peherstorfer (New York University)
Speaker: Monica Olvera de la Cruz (Northwestern University)
Speaker: Marina Guenza (University of Oregon)
Speaker: Robert Rallo (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
Speaker: Rick Archibald (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Speaker: Sven Leyffer (Argonne National Laboratory)
Speaker: Gunnar Carlsson (Stanford University)
Speaker: Mark Schlossman (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Speaker: Konstantinos Vogiatzis (University of Tennessee Knoxville)
Speaker: Rigoberto Hernandez (Johns Hopkins University)
Speaker: Rob Coridan (University of Arkansas)
Speaker: Magali Duvail (CEA)
Speaker: Bala Krishnamoorthy (Washington State University)
Speaker: Yusu Wang (University of California San Diego)
Speaker: Soledad Villar (Johns Hopkins University)
Back to topAdventures in Interfacial Chemistry: Prospects and Challenges Across Scales
Benjamin Doughty
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Navigating complex energy landscapes: Can ML help us climb mountains?
Sapna Sarupria
February 28, 2022
Using Critical Phenomena Theory to Unravel Structure and Dynamics in Chemical Separations
Michael Servis
February 28, 2022
Establishing trust in decisions made from data: Physics-informed machine-learning models with computable generalization bounds
Benjamin Peherstorfer
March 2, 2022
High-throughput Computational Screening of CO2-philic Functional Groups
Konstantinos Vogiatzis
March 3, 2022
Machine learning-assisted ensemble calculations of the physical properties of disordered colloidal composites
Rob Coridan
March 3, 2022
Development of multi-scale approaches to unravel the phenomena associated with rare earth transfer in separation chemistry
Magali Duvail
March 4, 2022
Hierarchical Spatial Graph Neural Network for Carbon Nanotube Property Predictions
Yusu Wang
March 4, 2022