Back to topComputational Materials Science is a well-established branch of the engineering sciences that lies at the intersection of many disciplines: mechanics, computational techniques, numerical analysis, mathematical theory. It describes how materials deform, are damaged, age. These phenomena can be studied at various scales, from microscopic scales described using the framework of quantum mechanics, to macroscopic scales modeled with continuum mechanics, via intermediate mesoscopic scales where atomistic and molecular dynamics techniques are key. This workshop aims to bring together leading experts from all these disciplines, in order to identify the challenging practical questions, of major relevance, where mathematics can play a significant role in the future.
Back to topColumbia University
Carnegie Mellon University
University of Minnesota
Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees Paris
Duke University
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Back to topSpeaker: Felix Otto (Max Planck Institute, Leipzig)
Speaker: Christoph Ortner (University of British Columbia)
Speaker: Noa Marom (Carnegie-Mellon University)
Speaker: Kaushik Bhattacharya (Caltech)
Speaker: Gregoire Allaire (Ecole Polytechnique)
Speaker: Barbara Zwicknagl (Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin)
Speaker: Vikram Gavini (University of Michigan)
Speaker: Xiaochaun Tian (University of California, San Diego)
Speaker: Tony Lelievre (Ecole des Ponts ParisTech)
Speaker: Maria Giovanna Mora (Universita di Pavia)
Speaker: Selim Esedoglu (University of Michigan)
Speaker: Lin Lin (University of California, Berkeley)
Speaker: Mitchell Luskin (University of Minnesota)
Speaker: Michael Weinstein (Columbia University)
Speaker: Peter Voorhees (Northwestern University)
Speaker: Miranda Holmes-Cerfon (New York University)
Speaker: Ludovic Chamoin (ENS Paris-Sclay)
Speaker: Manuel Friedrich (University of Muenster (WWU Muenster))
Speaker: Cyrill Muratov (New Jersey Institute of Technology)
Speaker: Chun Liu (Illinois Institute of Technology)
Speaker: Sylvia Serfaty (New York University)
Back to topBias in the Representative Volume Element method: periodize the ensemble instead of its realizations
Felix Otto
February 15, 2021
Multi-scale modeling of materials revisited: Accelerated computing and machine learning
Kaushik Bhattacharya
February 15, 2021
Numerical methods for nonlocal models: asymptotically compatible schemes and multiscale modeling
Xiaochaun Tian
February 16, 2021
From Langevin dynamics to kinetic Monte Carlo: mathematical foundations of accelerated dynamics algorithms
Tony Lelievre
February 17, 2021
Equilibrium measures for nonlocal interaction energies: The role of anisotropy
Maria Giovanna Mora
February 17, 2021
Real-time Bayesian data assimilation with data-based model enrichment for the monitoring of damage in materials and structures
Ludovic Chamoin
February 19, 2021
Energetic variational approaches (EnVarA) for Active Materials and Reactive Fluids
Chun Liu
February 19, 2021