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The workshop aims to bring together differential geometers, computer scientists, engineers, and applied mathematicians to discuss and develop discrete exterior calculus (DEC). In the last two decades, DEC has progressively matured as a discretization of calculus on manifolds, and recent developments have made it suitable for vector bundle valued forms and discrete differential geometry. The workshop strives to be an inaugural platform for experts who have often worked independently of each other, providing a communication platform and facilitating new collaborative efforts. Speakers are being invited to discuss topics including discrete differential geometry, twisted forms, simplicial Ricci flow, discrete vector bundles with connection, intrinsic differential geometric formulations of fluid flow and elasticity, and applications of DEC in machine learning, fluid flow, photonics, quantum electrodynamics and other areas.

Lightning Talks and Poster Session

This workshop will include lightning talks and a poster session for early career researchers (including graduate students). If accepted, you will be asked to do both. In order to propose a lightning session talk and a poster, you must first register for the workshop, and then submit a proposal using the form that will become available on this page after you register. The registration form should not be used to propose a lightning session talk or poster.

The deadline for proposing is July 1, 2025. If your proposal is accepted, you should plan to attend the event in-person.


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Anil Hirani University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Kaibo Hu University of Edinburgh
Kaushik Kalyanaraman Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi (IIIT-Delhi)


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