Back to topDecision Theory, including its applications and closely-related topics, is a deep and active area of research. It includes theories of how people make or should make decisions, often in the face of uncertainty. Mathematically, such theories often connect preferences or choices with functional representations, and/or analyze and apply such functionals as models of behavior. At this workshop, invited scholars will present their recent work and engage in discussion with the audience.
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Back to topSpeaker: Mira Frick (Yale University)
Speaker: Fabio Maccheroni (Bocconi University)
Speaker: Shaowei Ke (University of Michigan)
Speaker: Sarah Auster (University of Bonn)
Speaker: Jean-Marc Tallon (Paris School of Economics)
Speaker: Jacob Sagi (University of North Carolina Chapel Hill)
Speaker: David Dillenberger (University of Pennsylvania)
Speaker: Eran Hanany (Tel Aviv University)
Speaker: Christopher Chambers (Georgetown University)
Speaker: Itzhak Gilboa (Tel Aviv University)
Speaker: Luca Rigotti (University of Pittsburgh)
Speaker: Marciano Siniscalchi (Northwestern University)
Speaker: David Ahn (Washington University in St. Louis)
Speaker: Simone Cerreia-Vioglio (Bocconi University)
Back to topTime-Constrained Sequential Neural Decision Procedures in Multialternative Choice Problems
Fabio Maccheroni
May 2, 2022